Friday, June 4, 2010




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Continuation -The four Beasts

The Four Beasts

The book of Daniel is a great place to study what is prophetically called "the time of the Gentiles," the seven kingdoms represented by the seven heads of the red dragon, through which the Mother of Harlots pollutes the nations.

Now the role of dominating the Mediterranean had already passed from the kingdom of Egypt to Assyria and then on to Babylon by Daniel's time. And because the book of Daniel addresses the prophetic future it does not go into the past history of Egypt and Assyria but rather concentrates on revelation concerning the empires of Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the kingdom of the Antichrist.

These last five empires are addressed many times in different ways in Daniel with each vision adding to our understanding of God’s kingdom timetable.

For clarity sake we should start with the vision of Four Beasts in Daniel, chapter seven. The prophet Daniel had a vision during the reign of Belshazzar king of Babylon in which he saw four great beasts, each different from the other, coming up from the sea, the Great Sea, meaning the Mediterranean Sea. The first was a lion, the second a bear, the third a four headed leopard, and the forth a ten horned beast.

" Then we see a "little horn" with "the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots."

The Bronze Greek Empire was the fifth head of Satan.
Alexander the Great was the fifth fallen gentile king.

"And now I must return to fight with the prince of Persia; and when I have gone forth, indeed the prince of Greece will come"

"And the male goat is the kingdom of Greece. The large horn that is between its eyes is the first king. As for the broken horn and the four that stood up in its place, four kingdoms shall arise out of that nation, but not with its power."

The interpretation of the vision is recorded for us in scripture. "Those great beasts, which are four, are four kings which arise out of the earth." Kings reign over kingdoms, so the term king and kingdom are here used interchangeably.

The first beast is Babylon, the second Media-Persia, and the third Greece, and the Fourth Rome. The four heads of the Grecian beast represent the division of Alexander’s kingdom into four kingdoms after his death.

"The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all other kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, trample it and break it in pieces." This is a good characterization of the Roman Empire which ruled from Scotland to Syria.

"The ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom." The little horn shall "subdue three kings," and "speak pompous words against the Most High," and be given the saints into his hands to persecute for "a time and times and half a time." A "time" is a year in prophetic terms, so this is just another way of saying three and a half years, 42 months, or 1260 days (prophetic months are 30 days long).

The ten horns are the same ten kings mentioned in Revelation, chapters 13 and 17. And the "little horn" discussed here is none other than the Antichrist of the book of Revelation. The rise of the little horn out of the fourth beast is another view of the rise of the Beast out of the sea, the fallen angelic prince Apollyon released from the bottomless pit and his human host the Antichrist.

Notice that in Daniel 7, verse 21-22, we are told that Christ will return to defeat the little horn and set up His everlasting kingdom. There are many false doctrines that incorrectly claim that God's kingdom was established in 70 AD, or in the nineteenth or twentieth century. But these verses in Daniel give us a specific marker from which to properly recon the return of the Lord to establish His kingdom from the Temple Mount.

The Lord will not return until the days of the ten kings and the Antichrist in the last days, and not before. This point is reemphasized with Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the great image in the second chapter of Daniel.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Great Image

The king of Babylon had a scary vision and he wanted an interpretation from his magicians, astrologers, sorcerers, and Chaldeans, the wise men of the kingdom, without even revealing the vision to them. When they failed and where about to be put to death Daniel stepped forward and with the help of God told the king his vision and the interpretation.

Daniel revealed to king Nebuchadnezzar his vision of a great image:

Daniel 2:32-35

32 This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.
34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

The interpretation which comes straight from God to Daniel and then on to us through Daniel's book is:

1. "You (Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon) are this head of gold."

2. "But after you shall arise another kingdom (Media-Persia) inferior to yours."

3. "Then another, a third kingdom of bronze (Greece), which shall rule over all the earth."

4. "And the fourth kingdom (Rome) shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and shatters all things; and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others."

5. "Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter's clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided (East and West, and then a federation of ten nations such as we see with the European Union); yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay."

6. "And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Inasmuch as you saw that the stone (Christ) was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold – the great God has made known to the king what will come to pass after this. The dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure."

From this we know for certain that Christ will return after the Roman Empire has been split into two kingdoms as depicted by the legs of the image, and in the days when the Roman Empire is characterized as a federation of unequally yoked nations such as we now see with the EC.

The Iron Roman Empire was the sixth head of Satan.
The sixth king Rome's Emperor reign in John's day.

"After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns."

In 70 A.D. Rome was not divided but united into a single mighty empire at the height of its power. So any doctrine that says Christ returned in the first century is pure stupidity. It is a historical fact that Rome split into Eastern and Western Empires during the reign of Emperor Diocletian in about 293 AD. The Western Empire with its seat in Rome was overrun by barbarians by 500 AD. But the Eastern Roman Empire seated in Constantinople remained in power until 1453 AD when it finally succumbed to the black plague of Islam.

The fall of Rome and Constantinople were metaphorically speaking a mortal wound to the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire ceased to be a military power in the Mediterranean. But Romanism never really died.

It managed to live on influencing kings and nations in other ways. Nearly every country on earth today uses some form of Roman law and system of government. And the spiritual fornication of Mystery Babylon and the Roman Empire are kept alive in Roman Catholicism.

So if Nebuchadnezzar's image is a timetable of kingdoms we are past the legs, the division of the Roman Empire into West and East, and will soon enter the days of the ten toes. All of the founding members of the European Union come from the provinces of the old Roman Empire. They are cleaving together but they are weaker not stronger because of their bickering. Diversity brings weakness, not strength. The situation in the Middle East with Jews and Arabs is a perfect example of how iron and clay don't mix.

In the days of the toes, the ten horns and the reign of the Antichrist mentioned in Revelation, Christ will return to crush all nations gathered to attack Israel and set up His kingdom on earth.

The Roman Empire is different from all others. Rome is the fourth beast of Daniel chapter seven which will last in one form or another from the time of Christ two thousand years ago until His second coming in the near future during the days of the ten horns on the beast. The division of the Roman Empire into Eastern and Western are clearly depicted in the legs of Nebuchadnezzar's great image. And the ten toes represent the future revived Roman Empire of the Antichrist. Rome, revived as a federation of nations from the old Roman Empire under the control of the Antichrist will be the last Gentile kingdom on earth.

Now with this information you can see that the old Roman Empire is the sixth head of the red dragon and the revived Roman kingdom of the Antichrist is the seventh head of the dragon. Rome is represented in two of the seven heads or seven Gentile kingdoms empowered by Satan. That is why Rome is always described as being different from all other kingdoms.

Seven Mountains

I would now like to get to the key point of this study, the identity of the Mother of Harlots and her seat of power in the last days.

I have already shown that in one sense Mystery Babylon is Satan's false gospel. It has taken many forms as it passed down though history riding one kingdom after another. But make no mistake about it the Mother of Harlots was there deceiving people during the reign of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, and she is alive and well today.

But God purposefully intends for us to get a double meaning from this prophetic symbol of MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATION OF THE EARTH and the "seven mountains" she sits upon mentioned in the seventeenth chapter of the book of Revelation.

In verse 9 we read, "Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads (of the beast) are seven mountains on which the woman (Mystery Babylon) sits."

In verse 15 we read, "The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues."

From these two verses we learn that the seven mountains on which Mystery Babylon sits and the seven heads of the red dragon Satan are one and the same. These two prophetic symbols represent the succession of world power from one kingdom to another through which Satan spreads his false gospel to the nations.

Now in verse 18 we read, "And the woman whom you saw IS THAT GREAT CITY WHICH REIGNS over the kings of the earth."

This important verse gives us a second revelation from the woman on seven mountains. Now we are told that the woman is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth. And where does she reign from? We have already been told that she reigns from on top of seven mountains.

This one verse clearly links the past with the future. It reveals to us that the seat of the Mother of Harlots in the last days will be located in the same city where she reigned in the Apostle’s day, which is none other than the city of Rome.

So here is what we know about the woman and the seven mountains:

1. The Mother of Harlots, Mystery Babylon, is a great city of iniquity.

Babylon means much more than a city in Iraq. It is true that Babel is where the mysteries were formalized and exported around the world. But the word Babylon is also widely used to label a city as a place overcome with sin and indulgences where there is no right and wrong, just money, power, and experimentation in forbidden human behavior. Like a whore Babylon was all painted up on the outside, full of mystery and something to behold, but rotting away with sin on the inside.

2. The woman represents a great city which reigned in John's day.

The angel used the present tense, "which reigns" to make an important point that the woman was a great city in the first century that reigned over kings in John’s day. This could only be a reference to Rome!

3. The woman represents a great city in John's day that reigned over the kings of the earth that will still be reigning in these last days.

Only one city has ever blossomed into an empire and retained its identity as the seat of power for that empire and that is Rome. The Roman Empire eventually split into Eastern and Western Empires in around 293 A.D. as foretold in the two iron legs of Nebuchadnezzar's image. The West lasted until about 500 A.D. and the East until 1453 A.D. when Constantinople fell to the armies of that "peaceful religion" Islam. But Rome has continued to exert authority over the kings of the earth through the Papacy and Roman Catholicism.

4. The great city that reigns over the kings of the earth sits on seven mountains.

For over two thousand years there has been only one city know the civilized world over as the "city on seven hills" and that city is Rome.

The Seven Hills Of Rome

1. Aventine
2. Caelina
3. Capitoline
4. Esquiline
5. Palatine
6. Quirinal
7. Viminal

Some "prophecy experts" say a hill is not a mountain, so Rome is not the city on seven mountains. But to say Rome is not the city referenced in Revelation 17:18 is deceptive as well as intellectually disingenuous.

The truth is anyone alive within hundreds of years before or a thousand years after Apostle John wrote down the term "city on seven mountains" this was an unmistakable reference to the city of Rome.

Today you can go anywhere on earth and say "the Big Apple" and people know you are referring to New York. So it was in John’s day when people said the city on seven mountains or seven hills. Everyone knew they were talking about Rome.

To say that Rome is not the city on seven mountains because it is situated on seven hills is like saying New York is not the Big Apple because it does not look like an apple.

The point being the root word here could be translated into hills or mountains. And technically speaking a mountain is just a hill over 500 feet in height. No city on earth is built on seven tall mountains. The word "mountain" alone is meaningless. But the city that reigned in John's day and today and sits on "seven mountains" is an unmistakable reference to Rome.

Ten Horns and Ten Toes

Ten horns and ten toes are used in prophecy to denote the final Gentile kingdom on earth under the control of the Antichrist. Unlike the Roman Empire of the first century this last empire will be comprised of a federation of nations.

Ancient Rome was unified and strong as iron. But this federation will be weakened by bickering and disunity of its member states. We know from prophecy that this federation will be comprised of nations that were once part of the Roman Empire.

This is a perfect characterization of the European Union. Although there are more than ten members of the EU today the old Roman Empire is well represented. They have one EU passport, one currency, a court of law, EU bank, and EU laws.

In ancient times Roman citizenship was used like a carrot and stick. Citizenship was the prize everyone in the empire valued because it brought certain advantages. But step out of line and you would soon feel the big stick of the Roman army. Today EU membership is valued but not like Roman citizenship was in ancient times. Italians are always Italian first and the French consider themselves French first and Europeans second. This is what makes the EU weaker than ancient Rome.

The European Union represents a revived Roman Empire,
a kingdom of ten toes of iron and clay and ten kings,
the deadly wound to East and West healed,
the seventh head of the great red dragon.
The Antichrist will be the seventh gentile king.

"And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

"And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.

"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

"Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure."

Some might ask, where is the EU mentioned in prophecy? Without a doubt the nations of the European Union are the sprouting of the ten horns rising out of the fourth beast, the old Roman Empire, in Daniel chapter seven. The EU is also shown as the ten horns of Satan the great red dragon in Revelation chapter twelve, and the ten horns of the Antichrist beast in Revelation chapters thirteen and seventeen. Additionally, the nations of the EU are the ten toes of clay and iron described in Daniel chapter two.

Revelation 17:12-17

12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

Notice that the ten kings hate the whore and burn her with fire. In every Mediterranean kingdom, from Egypt to Rome, the monarchy reached a point in time in which they wanted to be worshiped as a god. And any religion that did not embrace the new emperor worship was stomped on.

Such will be the case with Roman Catholicism. All religions will be replaced with beast worship during the final forty two months of the reign of the Antichrist and the ten kings. God will punish Catholicism for its whoredom by using the forces of the Antichrist to burn the Vatican to the ground.

The Pontifex Maximus, the High Priest of Rome and Roman Catholicism have become to Christianity today what Judaism and the High Priest of Jerusalem were to Christ in the first century.

For example, it has just become public knowledge that at least one priest out of every five has molested a child. To address the problem the Pope has declared that only repeat child molesters will be put out of the clergy. So according to this self-ordained mouthpiece of God sitting in Rome it is okay for Catholic priests to molest children as long as they don’t get caught doing it more than once. Those are the words of the Whore of Babylon, not God.


In this study of Mystery Babylon we uncovered the dual meaning of the seven mountains in the seventeenth chapter of Revelation.

First, the seven mountains are used symbolically as are the seven heads of Satan the great red dragon to represent seven Gentile empires upon which Satan's false religions have been carried down throughout the ages. God allows these kingdoms to rise and fall because it serves His purpose. But Satan perverts kingdoms and uses them to spread idolatry, particularly the false gospel of Mystery Babylon.

Secondly, the seven mountains reveal the identity of the city which serves as the seat of power of the Mother of Harlots in the last days, which is none other than Rome.

Mountains have always been used as a symbol of God's thrown and mountain tops as a meeting place between God and man. Moses went up the mountain to speak with God. The tower of Babel was built to reach upward to heaven. Pagans placed their alters in high places to keep them lofty and above humanity. Ancient cities were built on high ground. And kings set their thrones up high so they could look down on their subjects. All of this speaks to the power and authority associated with being above everything else, like God.

The power of kingdoms is imbodied in their rulers. That is why we are given the prophecy of "seven kings" in Revelation. "And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space."

The five fallen kings are those of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, and Greece all of which had passed away by the first century when John received the vision. The sixth king was the Emperor of Rome, noted as the "one" that "is," in other words that was ruling in John's day.

There is one more gentile kingdom and king to come. And that kingdom will rise up out of the nations that comprised the old Roman Empire. The sprouting of this last kingdom can be seen today in the European Union. This federation will throw their power behind the Antichrist and eventually destroy the seat of the Mother of Harlots in the last days. The Antichrist will destroy the Vatican and all other religious institutions, no matter how corrupt they have become, to make way for his one world religion of Beast Worship.

It is interesting to note that all of the kings from Pharaoh to Alexander the Great to the Emperor of Rome elevated themselves to godhood and forced their subjects to worship them as gods or be put to death. So will it be with the Antichrist, the king of the seventh kingdom.

In Apostle John’s day the Roman Emperor invaded Israel, burned the Temple on the Mount putting an end to the daily sacrifices, totally destroyed Jerusalem, killed the Jews and sold the survivors into slavery, and turned God’s Holy City into a center for worshiping pagan gods, including Emperor worship.

In our day the Antichrist, a future head of the European Union and figuratively a revived Roman Emperor, will invaded Israel, stop the daily sacrifices in the newly rebuilt Temple, set up his image in the Holy of Holies, and force the world to worship him as a god.

But Jerusalem will never be totally conquered or destroyed by an invading army again. A remnant of the city will be preserved through the reign of the Antichrist. The armies of the world will gather to invade Israel under the direction of Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. When the power of Israel is completely broken and all seems lost then our Lord and God Jesus Christ will return to fight for His people and His Jerusalem.

The two great cities of Rome and Jerusalem played important roles in prophecy two thousand years ago. Sometime in the near future history will repeat itself once again, but with a different outcome this time. Rome will be burned to the ground and Jerusalem will be lifted up as the seat of God's kingdom on earth where our Lord and Savior will rule the world. The Roman Empire is the sixth head of the great red dragon Satan, the sixth gentile kingdom and Caesar the sixth king of prophecy. The European Union, a revived Roman Empire, is the seventh head, the seventh and last gentile kingdom, and the Antichrist the seventh king. But make no mistake about it both kingdoms are Roman, the new kingdom a transformation of the old kingdom.

It is a very important fact that Rome is tied to the sixth and seventh gentile kingdoms and kings. This point is made clear in prophetic visions described in Daniel and Revelation:

In the seventh chapter of Daniel four beasts representing four kingdoms rise up out of the Great Sea, the Mediterranean. Babylon is described as a lion, Media-Persia as a bear, Greece as a leopard, and Rome as a ten horned beast with iron teeth. We are told that the ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this fourth kingdom. And another shall rise after them, a little horn, the Antichrist, and subdue three kings. He shall speak pompous words against the Most High and persecute the saints for a time and times and half a time, or three and a half years. But we are then told that the Ancient of Days, Jesus Christ, will come and slay the little horn and fourth beast.

Likewise, in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation we see that Apostle John was given the same general vision as the prophet Daniel. John describes a beast rising out of the sea, the Mediterranean, it has seven heads and horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. The beast John saw is one and the same as the fourth beast in Daniel’s vision. Daniel describes the rise of the old Roman Empire and John the rise of the last days revived Roman Empire we know as the European Union.

Daniel was looking forward into the future so his vision describes the order of kingdoms to come starting with Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece and finally Rome. These are described as a lion, bear, leopard, and ten-horned beast respectively. John sees a beast with seven heads and ten horns that looks like a leopard, bear and lion. Notice the order starts with the horns and ends with the lion. This is because John’s description takes us backward from the fourth beast to Babylon the lion. The seven heads show that Rome incorporates attributes of the previous gentile kingdoms, is empowered by Satan and his dark princes, and supports Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots.

Both John and Daniel speak of a big mouth blasphemous horn (the Antichrist) that is given authority for forty two-months or a time and times and half a time. These time references, along with three and a half years and 1,260 days, are just different ways of saying the same thing. They all refer to the duration of the absolute reign of the Antichrist and his kingdom during the Great Tribulation.

Both John and Daniel tell us that the Lord will return to defeat the little horn. What is the significance of this? Today we have the rise of the ten horns as fulfilled by the European Union. Next we will see the rise of the little horn, the Antichrist. And the kingdom of the Antichrist will be the last Gentile kingdom on earth.

Rome is the common denominator between our time and the time God shed His blood for our sins. Rome, the capital of both Italy and the Vatican, is the city on seven mountains identified as the seat of Mystery Babylon.

It is true that our sins put Jesus on the cross. And no one took His life. Jesus willingly went to the cross to atone for sin. But lets us not forget that Pontius Pilot under the authority of Rome and Annas and his son-in-law Caiaphas, high priests and false prophets, sent Jesus to the cross. No amount of hand washing and blood money will remove what waits for them on judgment day.

These men had their soldiers scourge, beat, spit on, and mock God. They put God on a cross, driving iron nails through God’s hands and feet. And while the Creator of the whole universe hung there in excruciating pain they gambled for the Lord's only earthly possession, the cloths on his body.

Knowing that prophecy says not a bone of the Messiah's body will be broken the wicked high priest asked the Romans to break Jesus' legs, thinking this would prove that Jesus was not the Messiah. But the Roman soldiers found Jesus already dead. So they thrust a spear into His side, thus unknowingly fulfilling another prophecy.

God is not done judging Rome for this wicked act.

The military might of the Roman Empire split into two legs, East and West, and eventually transformed itself into a religious empire under the banner of Christianity. The power of the Caesars was then transferred to the Popes. In the name of God nations were conquered and kings set in place. It is a historical fact that no Roman Emperor ever welded such absolute and far reaching power as the Vatican.

And this institution that once spread the gospel to lost souls became corrupt and played the harlot. More Christians were put to death by Popes for not accepting such false doctrines as the transubstantiation than were murdered by all the Caesars combined. The Roman Catholic church has transformed the truths of the gospel into the false doctrines of Mystery Babylon.

Throughout history we see examples were God used an evil empire to extract judgment upon a backsliding people. The Assyrians and Babylonians were used to judge Israel and Judah. So will it be when the Antichrist destroys Rome.

A few years after Roman Legions destroyed Jerusalem sailors at sea watched from a distance as Pompeii was destroyed in less than an hour. This was just a shadow of things to come for Vatican City. The nations of the old Roman Empire have already joined together. The little horn will be here soon. Judgment is at the door for the Great Whore sitting on seven hills.

In our next study we will examine the Roman Catholic Harlot and discuss her successor the False Prophet and his one-world religion, "beast worship."

Introduction to seven mountains -Part 3

Introduction To Seven Mountains

Mystery Babylon is Satan's false gospel, a weapon in his grand strategy to dethrone God and destroy God's prized creation man.

This abomination started as a lie that deceived Eve into sinning against God in the Garden of Eden. This Mystery gospel polluted the ancient world to the point that God washed earth clean, preserving only a remnant.

But the Devil is not easily deterred. Shortly after the flood Satan resurrected his false gospel at Babel. There, in what became the city of Babylon, the Mother of Spiritual Harlots gave birth to a plethora of false religions and sent her offspring around the globe to deceive the nations.

Whereas the gospel of Jesus Christ spreads despite persecution and by the power of its truthfulness, Satan's false religions are typically spread by terror and the power of the sword. Therefore Satan uses military might to impose his will on mankind.

Armies conquer and enslave where lies can not deceive and persuade. And it takes the wealth of kings to raise and sustain armies capable of waging large scale war. Therefore, when Satan takes control of a king he has all the resources of their kingdom at his disposal. So Satan’s grand strategic plan calls for taking control of Gentile kings to use their power to wage war against God and His Saints on earth.

Those things which are important and valuable to God on earth include the land of Israel, Jerusalem, the Jews, the Church, the spreading of the gospel, and the fulfillment of God's word in prophecy. Consequently, these things are constantly under attack by Satan and his forces of darkness.

God allows all these things to happen because it serves His purpose. But God is always in control. God restrains Satan and limits his power and intervention into the affairs of the world. If God did not control the Devil he would destroy us all.

Some say history is actually an account of warfare throughout the ages. In one respect that is true. History records the fulfillment of a cycle in which kingdoms and empires rise and conquer and then decline and fall.

There have been many kings and emperors on earth. Nearly every nation has had their day of glory at some point in history. And many empires have taken a turn at world domination. But prophecy is "Israel centric," meaning those things which directly impact God's land, chosen people and Jerusalem are given special attention in scripture. For this reason biblical prophecy focuses on seven distinct and successive Gentile kingdoms that rise and fall around the Mediterranean.

Those literal Gentile kingdoms are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the kingdom of the Antichrist in the last days.

These seven kingdoms can be seen in the seven heads of the great red dragon Satan. And scripture goes on to say the seven heads are seven mountains on which Satan's false gospel MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH sits.

And prophecy speaks of seven kings associated with the seven kingdoms. Five had fallen by Apostle John's day, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, and Greece. One king was in power in John's day, the Emperor of Rome. And the other, the kingdom of the Antichrist, has not yet come.

The kingdom of Egypt was the first head of the great red dragon.
The Pharaohs were the first gentile kings to pass away.

"I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself. And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD, because they have been a staff of reed to the house of Israel."

Egypt was conquered by many nations over the centuries. But the reign of the Pharaohs and their independent Egyptian kingdom ended with the suicide of Queen Cleopatra VII and the murder of her son by Julius Caesar. Egypt was then gobbled up by the Roman Empire, never to see her past glory again.

So it is important to note that Mystery Babylon is Satan's false gospel passed down and perpetuated by seven Gentile kingdoms. Five kings and kingdoms had passed by Apostle John's day. Rome and the Roman Emperor had taken over the task of carrying Mystery Babylon at that time.

But the great mystery revealed in the seventeenth chapter of Revelation is that Rome, the great city which reigned over the kings of the earth in John's day, has continued to carry the Mother of Harlots and rule over kings up to this present time; howbeit in another form, the Roman Catholic Church. Rome will be the seat of the Harlot during the kingdom of the Antichrist just as it was during the sixth Gentile kingdom, the old Roman Empire.

The seventh kingdom will be the shortest. It will be destroyed at the coming of the Lord. Jesus Christ is returning to earth to put an end to Satan and his kingdoms and bring in everlasting righteousness.

Prophecy also speaks of an eighth and final kingdom called the kingdom of God. This too will be a literal kingdom, center in Jerusalem, where our Lord will rule the whole earth from the Temple Mount for a thousand years. Thereafter it will continue forever on a new earth in a new heaven. God's kingdom will never end.

How can I say that these specific seven Gentile kingdoms, from Egypt to the Antichrist, play an important role in prophecy? And how can I say they have anything to do with Babylon the Great? Well, it is all there in scripture if you know were to look for it and don’t get carried away with false doctrine such as Israelite replacement theories.

Prophetic books fit together like pieces of a puzzle bringing interpretation into focus and detail to the surface that can't be gleaned from any one book. A lot of symbolism is used in prophecy scripture but God usually provides the key to deciphering every mystery.

Beast, King and Kingdom Symbolism

Before we take a close look at the identity of the seven mountains or seven kingdoms that carry Mystery Babylon it would be helpful to understand some basic prophecy symbolism found in both the Old and New Testament prophecy.

Both God and Satan have angelic princes at their disposal to serve their purpose. Satan uses seven chief demonic princes to empower the seven Gentile kingdoms.

The kingdom of Assyria was the second head of Satan.
The Kings of Assyria were the second fallen gentile monarchy.

"Then the king of Assyria came up throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria, and besieged it three years. In the ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes. For so it was, that the children of Israel had sinned against the LORD their God, which had brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and had feared other gods, and walked in the statutes of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out from before the children of Israel, and of the kings of Israel, which they had made."

Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 6:11-12, "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

In Daniel 10:13,20 we are given a rare view into the conflict that rages around us between the angels of God and those fallen angles of the Devil:

An angelic messenger, probably the angel Gabriel, says to the prophet Daniel, "the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia."

Gabriel is God's messenger to Israel. Michael is an archangel, a powerful angelic prince that protects Israel and knocks Satan and his fallen angles in line when they overstep their authority.

Gabriel goes on to say, "And now I must return to fight with the prince of Persia; and when I have gone forth, indeed the prince of Greece will come.

What this tells us is that God determines when it is time for kingdoms to rise and when it is time for them to go. If Satan’s princes, the real power propping up these kingdoms, refuse to go then Gabriel and Michael forcibly boot them out of power.

In this scripture we see that the prince of Persia did not want to go. But it was time for the prince of Greece to lift up Alexander the Great and the Greek empire to rise to power.

Beasts - Angelic creatures and the kingdoms they support are sometimes characterized as beasts in scripture. The attributes and physical characteristics of the beast are used metaphorically to describe the traits, purpose, and historical significance of these angelic creatures and their associated kingdoms.

For instance, Satan is depicted in prophecy as a great fiery red dragon because he destroys souls by deceiving them into the Lake of Fire. Babylon is figuratively compared to a lion because of its regal magnificence, wealth, and absolute power. The empire of Media-Persia was like a bear or ram because it pushed in all directions and stomped enemies to dust. Greece is represented by a leopard or male goat because of the speed at which Alexander the Great moved his armies and conquered the world.

These beasts are typically described as having powerful jaws, iron teeth and claws, stomping feet, full of eyes or a big mouth. These attributes represent military might and weapons of destruction, iron breaks all that it hits into pieces. Eyes are used to see and govern a large domain and a great mouth symbolizes blaspheming God.

Wings - These beasts are sometimes describes as having wings. The wings denote swiftness and therefore figuratively show the speed at which some kingdoms rise to power.

Heads - The head of a beast symbolically represents the kingdom that the beast is empowering. When a beast is depicted with multiple heads it is typically to show the historic shifting of power into multiple kingdoms. In the case of the seven headed red dragon the heads show the progression of power from Egypt to Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, and finally the Antichrist. The four headed leopard of Daniel chapter seven is used to show the division of Alexander's kingdom into four separate states after his death.

The golden kingdom of Babylon was the third head of Satan.
The Babylonian monarchy represent the third fallen gentile king.

"Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king. Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold."

Horns - Horns are used in prophecy to denote kings. The ram with two horns is used to show the Media and Persian kings. The four horns that replace Alexander's broken large horn are the four generals that divided the Greek Empire and reigned after him. The ten horns on the seven headed beasts in Revelations are the ten kings that will reign with the Antichrist in the last days. Since kings rule kingdoms a horn is sometimes used figuratively for both the monarch and their domain.

Diadems & Crowns - A diadem is a crown or headband worn as a badge of royalty or imperial sovereignty and power. When the head or horn of a beast is depicted in scripture wearing a diadem or crown it is to reinforce the fact that the head or horn represents a powerful empire, king and kingdom.

It is very important to remember that beasts are used symbolically and figuratively in place of angelic princes in prophecy. Some serve God and some serve the Devil. For instance, in Revelation we see four beasts that stand before the throne of God. But for this study we are focusing only on Satan the red dragon and those fallen demonic princes identified with the seven Gentile kingdoms, those that support and spread Satan's false gospel Mystery Babylon.

The Great Red Dragon

In the twelfth chapter of Revelation we are given a very frightening description of Satan. Here we see a sign of the Devil in Heaven. He is described as "a great fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads."

We know the red dragon is Satan because we are told so in verse nine, "So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world."

The ten horns are the very same ten horns mentioned in chapters 13 and 17. From this we know that the ten horns are ten kings that will receive kingdoms in the last days and authority for one hour as kings with the beast, the Antichrist.

Notice that the seven heads of the red dragon, Satan, sport seven diadems. These heads have multiple significance and representation.

First the heads of the great red dragon represent seven kings and their kingdoms rooted and empowered with the authority of Satan. As mentioned before these kingdoms are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the kingdom of the Antichrist. Secondly, as you will see later, the seven heads also represent the seven demonic princes that empower the seven Gentile kingdoms.

These kings, kingdoms, and demonic princes are recorded in history and clearly identified in scripture. The last five of these kingdoms are discussed in the book of Daniel. The first two kingdoms, Egypt and Assyria, having already passed by Daniel’s time are discussed elsewhere in prophecy.

So there in chapter twelve of the book of Revelation we have a clear picture of the seven Gentile kingdoms characterized as seven-heads of Satan the great red dragon.

Seven Kings

This prophetic theme of seven Gentile kingdoms on God's kingdom timetable can be seen throughout scripture. In Revelation, chapter 17, verse 10 Apostle John is told, "There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time." This is a reference to the seven Kings, Kingdoms, and demonic Princes represented by Satan’s seven heads.

The five that had fallen were Pharaoh of Egypt, the king of Assyria, the king of Babylon, the king of Media-Persia, and the king of Greece. The one King that was alive in John’s day was the Emperor or Rome. And the king to come is the Antichrist.

The Silver kingdom of Media-Persia was the fourth head.
The Media-Persian Monarchy was the fourth fallen gentile king.

"The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia."

"Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days."

"And now will I shew thee the truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia."

The Eighth King

Verse 11 says, "And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eight, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition." Verse 8 says, the beast, the eighth king, will "ascend out of the bottomless pit."

Apollyon, also called Abaddon in Hebrew, destruction or the destroyer, is the king of the bottomless pit, a prison established by God specifically to hold fallen angels. Clearly some demons are so rebellious that God must keep them under lock and key. Apollyon is let out of his prison with the sounding of the fifth trumpet in Revelation, chapter 9, to torment men with the mark of the Beast. He also kills God's two witnesses in chapter 11, and persecutes the Saints.

I believe Apollyon is the demonic prince that empowers the Antichrist and also commands Satan's army of fallen angels cast down to earth. Apollyon is not Satan himself because the Devil still has access to heaven to accuse us day and night. It is only after the Lord returns that Satan is chained up in the bottomless pit for a thousand years to allow God’s kingdom to flourish on earth. But Apollyon is a chief prince under the command of Satan. In that sense Satan can also be identified with the eighth king.

The Beast Out Of The Sea

The characterization of Satan as a red dragon in chapter twelve of Revelation is followed in chapter thirteen with a similarly disturbing depiction of the Antichrist and his demonic helper Apollyon; the beast let out of the bottomless pit that empowers the Antichrist and his kingdom in the last days.

Here we have a beast "rising up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name."

The beast "was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority."

"And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months."

"I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast"

"So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?"

"And it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given to him over every tribe, tongue, and nation."

Once again a clear interpretation of the symbolism in the description of this beast is provided elsewhere in scripture.

This beast rises out of the sea. The word "sea" has a double meaning in this vision. The term "great sea" is always used in prophecy to represent the Mediterranean Sea. Although "great" is not used here it is used in verses in Daniel that further explain the leopard, bear, and lion nature of this beast.

Rising out of "the waters" or "the sea" means coming from humanity, "peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues" according to Revelation 17:15. When these two factors are taken together we have a beast that empowers a human ruler, the Antichrist, from out of the nations and peoples in the area of the Mediterranean.

This Antichrist Beast or Sea Beast has seven heads. These heads figuratively speak of the spirit of antichrist that has ruled and prospered in the kingdoms of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, and now the kingdom of the Antichrist; as also depicted in Satan the seven headed red dragon. Only now we have a literal human incarnation of the spirit of antichrist in Antichrist the man. God took on flesh and blood to save the world. So here we see Satan the imposter using the demonically possessed Antichrist as an instrument of man's destruction.

This beast is like a leopard, with feet of a bear and a mouth of a lion. These three predators are mentioned in Hosea 13:7-8 as instruments of destruction upon Israel. In Daniel a lion, bear, and leopard are used to symbolize Babylon, Media-Persia, and Greece. Here in Revelation John is looking back on these kingdoms so the order is reversed, with the leopard being mentioned first and the lion last.

The mouth of the beast blasphemes against God. And the forty-two month duration of its world domination is the same three and a half years of tribulation mentioned in Revelation.

One head of this beast receives a mortal wound. This head-wound has dual significance. In one sense it is specifically talking about the fall of the Roman Empire and it's revival in the last days as a federation of nations from the old Empire under the leadership of the Antichrist; the foundation of which has already been laid with the European Community. Secondly, it speaks of a physical wound to Antichrist the man, from which he recovers astounding his followers and invoking them to worship Satan and the beast.

This Antichrist Beast sports ten horns with ten crowns. As we discussed earlier the horns represent ten kings and the crowns their authority as rulers with the Antichrist.

The Antichrist is depicted in Revelation as a seven headed beast to show that his antichrist nature is a fundamental part of the seven Gentile kingdoms rooted in Satan. The Antichrist will be used like the kingdoms of Babylon, Media-Persia, and Greece to inflict judgment upon unbelievers and chasten Israel.

Babylon Part 2 - The Mother of Harlots

Introduction To The Mother Of Harlots

There is light and there is darkness in the universe. God is good and Satan is evil. And to have eternal life you must be "born again" through faith in Jesus Christ. Satan will do anything to keep a person from coming to this knowledge.

Satan is not a god. Satan is a fallen angel leading a revolt against God. He is a created being just like us but with one big difference. God in His mercy has provided mankind with a plan of redemption. There is no salvation for fallen angels. At the appropriate time Satan will be judged and thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone where he will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Satan knows he is going down. And he is using the freedom he has left to bring down as many as he can with him. God's plan of redemption for mankind dealt a blow to Satan. All flesh dies but through Jesus Christ a door to eternity was opened up for our spirits. Therefore, the Devil's objective is to keep mankind from salvation through Christ.

The Devil's strategy is to counter God's truth with Satanic lies, otherwise known as the "Luciferian Doctrine or Secret Doctrine," in an effort to deceive the unwary, steal souls from God, and disrupt God's universe. The Secret Doctrine is quite simple. Basically it says, "good is evil and evil is good." Satan, being evil, wants to be worshiped as God. Therefore this perversion of reality, "evil is good," is the underpinning of Satan's grand deception. For every "type" given us by God in scripture Satan invented an "anti-type."

To spread the Secret Doctrine around the world and preserve it from one generation to another the Devil has packaged it in a plethora of fables, myths, ancient mysteries, and false religions. He has created a flavor to suite every human taste. The wrapper may look different, but the core doctrine is always the same. Satan is always the object of worship hiding in the shadows of false religious systems.

Why All The Mystery?

The Devil hides behind the cover of secrecy and darkness to gain the element of surprise over his victims. Most people will not drink from a cup that is clearly marked as poison. Satan does not want to alarm anyone.

He knows the sinful human nature, the likes and dislikes of our diverse personalities and cultures. Satan uses different bait to try and snag each of us. Whatever human weakness he finds be it money, power, sex, curiosity, acceptance, peer pressure, the need to belong or whatever, it will be used to drive a wedge between God and us.

This is where the False Religions come into the picture. They are the attractive wrappers that hide Satan's poison. The plethora of religious choices are intended to ensure that regardless of our differences everyone will be able to find something that appeals to their particular taste or weakness.

The Ancient Mysteries are a System of Apostasy intended to bring people into the Luciferian Doctrine. They spread a Secret Doctrine stealthily in false religions. The various gods, myths, and religious ceremonies associated with the ancient mysteries all have a dual meaning. They contain a secret message hidden within the words of a story. These myths, fables, and religious rituals are carefully crafted to mask the secret doctrine. It is like hiding a story within a story.

Those outside the false religion only see a carefully crafted explanation of the cult creed. This is intended to arouse interest and not suspicion. As new members are brought into the cult they are put through rites and initiations designed to entrap and scare them into keeping the cult secrets. In addition, these ceremonies help identify those ready to be entrusted with the darker secrets of the cult.

The Secret Doctrine is the actual hidden meaning in the ancient mysteries. It has been passed down through the ages from one false religion to another. This information is highly guarded by the cult leaders.

Some people have no problem openly worshiping Satan. Most people, however, need a little trickery and deception to turn them from God. Only when Satan feels he has gained enough power over the affairs of the earth will he bring the Secret Doctrine out into full view.

False religions today use both overt and covert operations to spread the Secret Doctrine. Initiates refer to these organizations as being "Black Institutions" and "White Institutions." These Satanic institutions are sometimes mentioned with deceptive characterization such as, "a thousand of points of light."

The "white" organizations purposely look very harmless on the outside to serve as the recruiting ground for the "black" organizations. Some even try to give off the impression of being a Christian organization or social club. Many of the initiates in a "white" organization have no idea that they are participating in the ancient mysteries.

There are no excuses for these people however. The work of Satan is easy to see even in these "white" institutions. For example, initiates in Masonic rituals drink wine from a carved out human skull, pray to "Ala" and "Lucifer the light," swear a blood oath, and pronounce the secret word for Baal. You would think that this would cause most people to run out of the Masonic Temple. Sadly, few people leave this religion after they get initiated.

The "black" organizations are for initiates that are more receptive to Satan's iniquity. These cults and false religions come right out and deny the God of the Bible.

The sad thing is that Satan does not have to work too hard to deceive people into accepting false religions. The truth of Jesus Christ falls on deaf ears while paganism is embraced with passion. Mystery Religions have come down to our generation in the form of innocuous appearing organizations like the Masons, Mormonism, and Papal Catholicism, and the not so innocuous pagan religions such as Wicca and the Occult.

So why all the mystery? The primary function of the Ancient Mysteries is to deceive mankind into willingly or unknowingly joining Satan's rebellion against God. If you won't side openly with the Devil then Satan is just as content deceiving people into worshiping him in proxy. Therefore the "mysteries" act as camouflage to allow the Secret Doctrine to move freely through society without drawing unwanted attention. In essence, Mystery Religions do in secrecy what would not be safe to do openly.

Primeval World Gone Astray

We don't know much about the mysteries in the primeval world because knowledge of that time was lost in the Great Flood.

In antediluvian times (before the Flood) great megalithic structures such as Stonehenge spread throughout Europe and the Maltese islands. These stone monuments functioned as astronomical observatories, tombs, and temples for fertility, solar and lunar cults. Evidence shows that many of these stone structures passed through the flood to be restored, expanded, and reused by a new generation of megalith-builders.

But I can say with certainty is that modern day archeologist and anthropologist have got it all wrong. When the raw data is properly interpreted without evolutionary and atheistic bias it supports the Biblical view of the ancient world.

There was a time when dinosaurs, humans, and prehistoric mammals all lived at the same time. Proof of this comes from footprints of humans and dinosaurs preserved side-by-side in stone in the U.S., and from other evidence such as Mammoth-Bone houses found in Europe.

A reconstruction of a mammoth-bone house at Mezhirich in the Ukraine. Houses constructed from the bones and tusks of the woolly mammoth represent some of the most ancient human architecture known on earth.

Humans did not evolve out of Africa. The human race started about six thousand years ago with two people, Adam and Eve, somewhere in the Middle East, probably near modern day Israel. That left over 99% of the earth's landmass uninhabited and free for the dinosaurs to roam without interfering with the development of the human race. As mankind's population grew and spread across the land God diminished the dinosaur population.

The Great Flood wiped out the last of the great prehistoric creatures along with the wicked pre-flood civilizations.

How do we reconcile the Bible with the fossil record of human origins and the various models of human evolution? In the ancient world there were several species of apes and hominoids that died out with the flood.

These three to four foot high creatures anthropologists call Australopithecus were nothing more than crouching chin-less tiny brained ape-like animals that died out before the flood. Homo erectus was another ape species that did not make it through the deluge.

Neanderthal on the other hand was probably the most human like animal ever to walk the earth. Nevertheless DNA analysis of Neanderthal bones prove that this was nothing more than a non-human upright walking species of ape.

Neanderthal fossils often show the signs of having been cracked open to allow access to the marrow. Neanderthal bones are typically found discarded with the remains of other animals in prehistoric garbage pits. Pictures of elaborate "flower burials" of Neanderthal dead is pure fantasy. The only clothing, jewelry, fire pits, and tools found near any of these animals belonged to the humans that ate these apes for dinner.

Modern Homo sapiens are all descendants from Adam and Eve and the eight humans preserved in the Ark. God created the diversity found in modern day people from the genetic makeup of Noah and his sons and their wives. These few human survivors of the deluge repopulated the earth along with the creatures preserved in the Ark. Once again the human race started over from somewhere in the Middle East.

Why did God destroy the primeval world in the first place? The earth became full of violence and wickedness. Archaeological evidence now points to wide spread cannibalism and human sacrifice in ancient cultures. Once a society stoops to acts of depravity of this kind one might wonder what other abominations were they engaged in? It is hard to say but things must have been very bad in antediluvian times for God to send the Great Flood. Just look at all the violence and false religions in the world today yet God patiently withholds His judgement.

Much of the ancient world was populated with small clans of hunter gatherers. But some remains of pre-flood civilizations have been uncovered. And they show that centers of pagan worship were widespread in ancient times.

Hear we see a stone idol of the Earth Mother or Great Goddess the ancient people of Malta worshiped. This image was found in the temple at Hagar Qim and it displays the typical characteristics of Mother Goddess idols: wide hips, bulbous legs, and a folded arm.

It is highly possible that megalithic temples such as Tarxien were constructed in the ancient world sometime before the Great Flood.

This representation of the temple at Tarxien on the island of Malta shows the first signs of organized pagan religion in "megalithic temples."

Some believe that Atlantis was the first world power in ancient times. That may be true. And it may be that the ancient mysteries were conceived in Atlantis. Occultists certainly claim hidden knowledge of the lost continent of Atlantis. The Egyptians also told stories of an ancient empire that once upon a time invaded the Mediterranean.

All we know for sure is that the people became evil. God looked at the ancient world and "the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart."

In southern-central Turkey on the Konya Plain, 200 miles from Ankara, archeologists found the temple of Catal Huyuk. This bull cult dates back well before the Great Flood. The bull idols were created by inserting real bull's horns into plaster heads.

So the LORD said, "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them."

A reconstruction in a painting by A. Forester (1928), of the scene of sacrifice in the death pit of the King's Grave at Ur based on archaeological excavations. Everything the king might need in the afterlife was buried with the king. Here we see soldiers, charioteers, and servants preparing to follow their king. These human sacrifices ceremoniously drank poison to start their journey.

Something happens when people come together in large communities that tends to bring out the worse in human nature. We see this in the ancient world and once again shortly after the Flood. It didn't take long for man to return to his evil ways.

Babylonian The Great, Mother Of Harlots

We may not know much about the mysteries in antediluvian times but much has been written about the reappearance of the ancient mysteries after the Flood. However, only eight humans survived the Great Flood. It is from these eight souls that all knowledge of the ancient world passed through the Flood.

It stands to reason that most pre-flood knowledge and history was lost, forgotten, or distorted over time. Much of what we know comes from recent archaeological evidence and the works of classical historians. But modern archeologists generally misinterpret data to support their pagan humanist religious views. And Greek and Roman historians mixed fiction with historic facts to weave interesting stories. Therefore, any reconstruction of ancient history from either of these sources is extremely unreliable.

Scripture is the only completely accurate account of history and source of Divine knowledge. Scripture is inspired by God and therefore a reliable baseline to judge all other works. If scientists, scholars, historians, or archaeologists say anything that contradicts what we have in scripture then they are wrong. But you can count on scripture.

Unfortunately there are many topics of interest where scripture gives us what we need but not enough to satisfy our desire for more information. And the history of the world before and just after the Great Flood falls into this area. So much of what has been written on this topic comes from unverifiable sources and should not be taken as gospel. With that in mind we will now piece together the reappearance of the Mysteries after the Flood.

Five figures play prominent roles in the mythology of the Babylonian Mysteries. They are Cush, Nimrod, Semiramis, Shem, and Tammuz.

Cush was the son of Ham and the grandson of Noah. After the flood men began to migrate from the east to a plain in the land of Shinar. This land became know as the fertile crescent, Mesopotamia, and Babylonia. This is where the Mysteries say Cush instigated the building of the Tower of Babel.

We do not know what the Tower of Babel looked like. It may have been a ziggurat like that at Ur or a tall round tower like that depicted above.

Interestingly enough the foundation of the Tower of Babel can still be recognized in Babylon today.

Some pagans credit Cush with founding Babylon because he built the Tower. Nevertheless, Cush is a central figure in Mystery mythology and pagans credit Cush as the father of their religion.

Nimrod was the son of Cush and the great grandson of Noah. The Bible says, "he began to be a mighty one on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; therefore it is said, "Like Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD." And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. From that land he went to Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah (that is the principal city)."

The name Nimrod means, "he rebelled." The word "before" is sometimes used to mean "against." Many believe Nimrod was a mighty hunter "against" the LORD. Nimrod created the first major cities after the flood. And it was Nimrod that first organized people under a government in rebellion against God. Like Cain, Nimrod thought too highly of the work of his own hands.

According to the Mysteries Nimrod built the remains of Babel into the city of Babylon and then founded the great city of Nineveh and many others cities. Pagans say, "Cush may have founded Babylon, but Nimrod built the great city."

Clearly Nimrod was a driven man with ambition. Is there anyone today that can lay claim to founding nearly a dozen great cities? Ambition brings desire for big conquests. Nimrod set his sights on Semiramis, the most beautiful woman around. Some think that she was already married to another man at the time Nimrod took her. Others say she was Nimrod's mother. Regardless, Nimrod took Semiramis as his wife.

Semiramis was the first queen of Babylon. After Nimrod's death she continued to rule for over 42 years. Semiramis is credited with finishing the great walls started by Nimrod that encompassed the whole city. Babylon was the first city after the flood to be surrounded with brick walls and towers.

Excavations at the royal cemetery at Ur give us some idea of female fashions around the time of Queen Semiramis.

More than brick walls rose up in Babylon. Semiramis became the grand architect of the Babylonian Mysteries. And it is interesting to note that this grand apostasy came so quickly on the heels of the Great Flood and judgement of God at the Tower of Babel.

Even before Babylon rose to a position of a true world power this wicked city became the center of every abomination that mankind could imagine.

Babylon, whose Semitic name, Bab-ilu, means "Gate of the Gods," was beautiful on the outside and full of wickedness on the inside. The Istar gate was 88 feet high and decorated with glazed bricks on a blue background. This gate stood between the outer and inner walls of the city; from it the Processional Way ran to the sacred area.

Semiramis instituted the practice of prostitution as a form of pagan worship. From the queen to the lowest member of society all Babylonian women went to a pagan temple to worship their pagan goddess by selling themselves. This was called the "Sacred Marriage" ceremony. It made no difference if you were married or not. It was the custom that all Babylonian women perform this pagan ritual at least once in their life. The women would sit in the temple and wait for a man to through a single coin in their lap. Following this the two strangers would go off to a dark corner and "worship their deity."

This molded relief in baked clay depicts the "sacred marriage" ceremony.

Chapter seventeen of the book of Revelation says, "And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." When God calls Babylon the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth He means it. Semiramis, the first queen of Babylon, was literally a harlot and the mother of harlots. She set up prostitution as a form of religious worship.

This abomination and all the others that arose in Babylon soon spread around the globe. We know from the New Testament that the Apostles had to deal with this issue. Some in the early Church were still going into pagan temples to engage in this immorality in Paul's day.

Despite all her power Semiramis had to be careful not to be too open with her newly founded satanic religion. There were still many in the world that had not turned their back on God.

Shem was one of three sons born to Noah. Shem lived 502 years after the flood, buried seven generations, saw the apostasy before and after the Flood, and fought evil all of his days. In occult literature Shem is identified as a great adversary of Satan and his pagan followers.

It is said in Mystery mythology that Nimrod went to a king, identified as Shem, and told him to worship the seven stars and the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Shem then persuaded a tribunal to convict Nimrod. Shem cut Nimrod into pieces and sent them to the people as a sign of judgement and as a warning.

Pagans call Shem the "evil one." They give him the symbol of bull's horns, a sign of his physical power, and boars tusks, the sign of his persuasive power in the trial of Nimrod.

The Babylonian Mystery evolved from blasphemous mythology invented by Semiramis after Nimrod's death. In order to solidify her power Semiramis now claimed that Nimrod had risen in the afterlife to become the sun god. Now she was the wife of a god and that would bring her power and allow her to hold on to her claim to the throne of Babylon. Next, Semiramis gave birth to a son and proclaimed the child was Nimrod reborn. The child is referred to under the name of Tammuz in scripture. This made her the mother of a god, and the mother of her husband. Semiramis then claimed she was a Babylonian goddess, the Queen of Heaven. Surely only a goddess could be married to a god and give birth to a god.

The Mother of Harlots holds in her hand "a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication ... and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication."

Tammuz is commonly known among classical writers under the name of Bacchus. Bacchus means, "The Lamented one." In Ezekiel 8:14-15 we read, "So He brought me to the door of the north gate of the LORD'S house; and to my dismay, women were sitting there weeping for Tammuz." Then He said to me, "Have you seen this, O son of man? Turn again, you will see greater abominations than these."

Tammuz, although worshiped as a baby in his mother's arms, was actually a strong hunter. And like Nimrod he came to a sudden and violent death. Tammuz is worshiped as Nimrod reborn, so here we have lamenting not just for Tammuz but also Nimrod. The ritual of weeping for Tammuz is common to many pagan religions.

This is the secret behind the Babylonian Mystery. Semiramis, Nimrod and Tammuz form a false trinity and the primary objects of worship in the Mystery. However, this unholy trinity is worshiped by many names. As fables of their divinity spread around the globe each culture added their own twist to the Babylonian Mystery.

A highly organized System was developed to guard the cult secrets while bringing in new initiates into the Mystery.

The System gave a select few absolute power and control over every aspect of people's lives. The system was comprised of new objects of worship, idols, doctrine and discipline, rites and ceremonies, festivals, and new orders.

A key component of the new mystery system was the creation of a new social class, the Priesthood. Priests would become the gatekeepers of all knowledge and interpretation. No longer could people be allowed to have direct access to God and His Word. To get any information people first needed to be initiated into the mysteries. In this way Priests replaced guidance by the Holy Spirit as the interpreters of scripture and placed themselves between man and God, or in this case man and his pagan gods.

Want To Know A Secret?

For millennia cults and mystery religions have protected their Secret Doctrine from the uninitiated and outsiders. And even those initiated into mysteries are brought along carefully through the system. Cult priests only deal out secrets bit by bit as members rise through the hierarchy of the cult. So it is important to understand that there are layers of secrets in the mystery system.

Outsiders are given a positive image intended to lure new initiates into the mystery. New initiates receive the first layer of secrets only after they have been drawn too far in to the mystery to get out completely. Blood oaths and death threats for anyone who reveals secrets usually buys silence, even from those who leave the cult. Rituals, ceremonies and symbols with double meanings are used to avoid alarming outsiders while communicating hidden messages to the cult faithful.

The biggest secret kept by all mystery religions is called the Luciferian Doctrine or simply called the Secret Doctrine. It deals with events that go all the way back to the Garden. Only a select few at the top of the Mystery hierarchy are initiated into this secret.

In Christian nations it has not always been safe for mystery initiates to openly speak such blasphemy. But during the past two hundred years cults have been provided with special protection in society. That has led some to publicly reveal their big secret. Freemasonry is a good example of a mystery religion that finally came out of the shadows with this satanic gospel.

Albert Pike, Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry said:

"We worship a god, but it is the god that one adores without superstition. To you Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees - The Masonic Religion should be by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were not god, would Adonay (Jesus ... God of the Christians) ... bother to spread false and harmful statements about him? YES, LUCIFER IS GOD ..."

There is no denying this statement from the former head of Freemasonry. The Luciferian Doctrine says that Lucifer is a god. And Freemasonry is a religion that embraces this satanic doctrine.

Freemasonry is a good example of how secret organizations operate. They fly low under the radar of public scrutiny by creating an appearance of being a "good work" social club. Outsiders seldom learn what goes on behind their doors. New initiates are slowly brought into the organization through a series of bizarre rituals, secret handshakes, and secret codes. Initiates think this is just some odd rite of passage to a higher rank in the organization. But all this is part of an elaborate system to bring new initiates into the darkest secret of the mystery.

The Luciferian Doctrine has its own mythology that directly contradicts the Word of God and portrays Satan as the one that brings enlightenment to mankind. This mythology is built upon the lie that Satan told Eve in the Garden, "Go ahead and sin, you will not die, you will be like God." The message in the Secret Doctrine is, "sin and personal exploration into whatever your heart desires is good not bad. There are no consequences for your actions, only enlightenment." Modern day liberalism is based upon this principle.

Out of the lie Satan told Eve comes several key planks of the Luciferian Doctrine:

According to the Doctrine "There is no original sin because Adam and Eve did not do anything wrong." This is a full frontal attack upon the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Saying there was no original sin is also implying there was no need for salvation through faith in Jesus. To transfer the attention from Jesus to Satan the Mysteries go on to say that Adam and Eve did not sin or fall but they were enlightened or fell upwards. This is tantamount to saying that good is evil and evil is good. They plant the seed that Satan set Adam and Eve on the path to godhood by introducing them to evil. Twisting and perverting God's commandments is a key component of Satan's strategy.

Eve is worshiped as the queen of heaven, mother goddess, and mother of the gods because she physically gave birth to mankind. Remember, if you believe that anyone can become a god then Eve would be the mother of the gods. She is also said to have been the first to recognize that experimentation and pursuing your desires, as illustrated by eating the fruit, gave her knowledge of good and evil. This is said to have made her like god. Genesis 3:22 is often misquoted by pagans to prove their point.

This prehistoric Venus carved in limestone was found in Western Europe. It is very typical of the type of idol worshiped in mother goddess cults.

Adam is worshiped as the husband and son god. Husband god because he fathered mankind. Son or Sun god because the mystery says he was reborn after death as a god. Pagans also make the false claim that he willingly accepted the punishment of eating the fruit, the humiliation of his nakedness, in order to allow others to be born and become gods, and to make a mother of the gods out of Eve.

Satan is worshiped in the mystery as the hidden liberator, father god, and savior of mankind from Gods oppression and restrictions on human behavior. Pagans give Satan credit for opening up Eve's eyes to experimentation, which pagans say does not lead to death, but is pleasing to the senses and makes you equal with god.

These blasphemous doctrines are the foundation of all the world's idolatry. Virtually all pagan myths, legends, false religions, cults, and ritual ceremonies from every country on earth from ancient times till the present carried some form of the Secret Doctrine.

Behind Closed Doors

When the Babylonian Mystery is brought up today it is frequently met with rolling eyes and skepticism. It sounds a bit like some grossly exaggerated conspiracy theory. But once people get a closer look into how the Mystery System works their eyes are opened up and they tend to get a bit uneasy. Some people can't deal with the truth so they tend to deny or ignore it.

Understanding how the System works is like putting on spiritual x-ray glasses. It peals away the layers of secrecy and makes it easy to recognize satanic influences around us. And it is amazing to see just how much Satan has intruded into every aspect of our lives.

The System

The System is a network of interacting processes and items that work together to spread the Luciferian Doctrine. The basic design principle employed by the Mystery architects was to provide a satanic anti-type for everything that is of God. For example:

  • God has provided guidelines for righteously judging good from sinful human conduct. The satanic system says experimentation is enlightening. The only wrong behavior is to obey God.

  • God says mankind sinned. The system says Eve did not sin, she fell upwards.

  • God has declared that He is the One and Only God. The system says that there are many gods. And it also says we can become gods and goddess ourselves by obtaining the secret esoteric knowledge of the mystery.

  • God says we must confess our sins to Him. The system developed the one-way confessional to get power of those confessing.

  • God forbids idols. The system encourages idol worship.

  • God says to spread the gospel. The system works to keep God's gospel out of the hands of people.

  • Jesus was a Jew. The system seeks to destroy all Jews.

  • Christians have the true knowledge of salvation. The system seeks to pervert and destroy Christianity.

Once again, the System is a satanic religion of perversion and apostasy. It attacks everything of God and calls it bad, and it calls every abomination good. Pieces of this system were already in place before Babylon. The Chaldeans were among the first to develop their own mystery system. It was with the help of Chaldean Priests that Semiramis built the Babylonian Mystery.

Idols carved from wood and stone became the new objects of worship. Faith in an invisible God is not a part of the System. The idols were a way of portraying the new pagan gods as something tangible. They were not meant to be just representations of the gods. These carved images were actually passed off as living gods. They were clothed and decorated with jewels and precious stones. Food was set out as an offering for the idol. And through magical tricks the priests would make the idols appear to speak.

Temples and Shrines were built to house the gods. This provided a controlled environment in which to perform initiation rites and worship services. Gazing upon and passing through these impressive edifices had an enormous affect upon simple-minded people living in an agrarian society. Even today some people are overcome with emotion upon entering religious buildings. Temples were designed to make people feel small and the pagan gods impressive and large. This was part of the conditioning process that removed inhibitions and opened people up to a new pagan belief system.

The Priesthood was created to be the intermediaries between the Mystery System hierarchy and the masses. They were elevated to an elite class of society and entrusted with running the daily operations of the pagan religion. Temples and shrines became their place of business. They were the keepers of the idols. The priests encouraged worshipers to bring offerings to the gods. After all the gods needed to be clothed, fed, and adorned with precious jewels. Of course this is pure nonsense. Wood and stone do not eat. The priests lived well by diverting the offerings into their own pockets.

Reconstruction of the internal court of the Temple of Ishtar, which lies on the east side of the Processional Way, not far from the Temple of Marduk in Babylon.

The Inner Sanctuary

Pagan temples and shrines usually had a special chamber in the center of the temple where the temple idol was kept. This provided a controlled environment in which the priests and priestesses could go about their business.

Openly implementing a system that turns society from worshiping God to worshiping Satan can be a dangerous thing. God always leaves a remnant that will stand up for what is right. Therefore Mystery Religions are very careful not to be too open about their real intentions. They work hard to cultivate a positive public image. But within the privacy of the inner sanctuary priests were free to engage in secret rituals that might be viewed as offensive by outsiders.

The practice of using temples and inner sanctuaries to perform secret rituals is still with us today. Mormon and Masonic initiates swear upon their lives not to reveal the pagan rituals performed within their temples.

Clothing The gods

Pagan idols were not treated like ordinary statues. They were lavishly dressed with splendid robes, jewels and crowns. Throughout the history of Pagan worship, from Babylon to Egypt, and from ancient Greece to the Church of Rome, "clothing the gods" was considered a sacred ceremony and an important function.

It was considered a great honor to have access to the innermost sanctum to dress the idol. People believed that honoring the deity with expensive gifts would gain the favor of the god. Of course the priests were the real beneficiaries of these gifts.

Here is a closely guarded secret to the "clothing" the gods ritual. Pagans believe the gods and goddesses are pleased with clothing because there had once been a time in their history when they stood greatly in need of clothing. In the mysteries the gods and goddesses of paganism are also worshiped as incarnations of Adam and Eve.

This is another example of how paganism distorts a truth from God. There was a time when Adam and Eve were "spiritually" naked. Their fall in the garden made it necessary for the Divine hand of God to cover their nakedness with clothing specially prepared for them. This was a pointer to the death and blood of Christ that would be the only covering for our sins.

But paganism is a system based on works that rejects the work of Christ. That is why most cults credit Satan with clothing Adam and Eve. Does this sound like a silly practice that would never happen in a modern society? Mormons believe Satan is the one who helped Eve understand the gospel plan. He is the one who instructs temple patrons in wearing of the fig leaf apron, which is a symbol of his power and priesthood.

Every practicing Mormon receives a fig leaf apron during one of their rituals from someone representing Satan in the Garden. They wear it for the rest of their lives while in their temple. Mormons are actually buried with their apron. But this covering was unacceptable to God because it was based on human works.

Some form of the "clothing the gods" ritual can be found in all cults. In Egypt they copied this event by slaying a ram and clothing the father of the gods with its skin.

Cult Hierarchy

Mystery Cults have an organizational structure much like other institutions. The higher up one goes in the cult the more one's status, privileges, and authority grows as well. And with each step the initiate is given access to more rituals and even darker cult secrets.

New initiates were at the bottom of the cult hierarchy. The priesthood was up a notch from the cult membership. And the priesthood was often divided into separate orders for performing specific functions. Some acted as scribes recording the cult doctrine. Some performed guard duty. Some had the responsibility of performing rituals and sacrifices. Others practiced divination. And still others burned incense, recited prayers, or led members in worship. At the top of the cult structure was Mr. or Mrs. Big, the High Priest or High Priestess.

The High Priest or Priestess was the caretaker of the cult. It was their job to empower their priesthood, grow the cult, and line their own pockets with gold along the way. So how did the Priesthood pull off this ambitious takeover of power from the rest of society?


Today education is largely accessible and free. But in ancient times the average person was not very educated. Few could read or write. Kids did not go to school because there were no schools. There were no universities, no public libraries, and few scrolls.

Semiramis and the priesthood took advantage of this situation by trying to control all ecclesiastical and secular knowledge. They set up the first centers for learning. And the priests gathered together scrolls and tablets, the books of that day, and stored them in the temples. Since the priests were the gatekeepers of the temples they also became the keepers of knowledge.

All information concerning science, history, engineering, medicine, astronomy, and religious matters soon came under the control of the priesthood and mystery cults. A huge gap in knowledge developed between the priesthood and the common man.

When people wanted to know when to plant a crop, how to build a bridge, or how to practice their religion they had to go through the priesthood. This made the priesthood highly valuable to ancient cultures.

But there was a hidden objective to all this. Pagans seek to suppress the knowledge of God and create educational institutions void of God. In this way they hope to turn the hearts and minds of people from God and righteousness to the doctrines of Mystery Babylon.

Liberals are the modern day equivalent of pagan priests. And they are continuing the attack upon God in our educational systems that started in ancient Babylon. There once was a time when the Holy Bible was used to educate students. But today liberals have removed the Bible. Today we find a public school curriculum full of false teachings such as evolution and alternative lifestyles. Liberal lawyers have even taken away the right of Christians to pray at school. The Ten Commandments can not even be posted in public places.

In short, pagans have infiltrated our institutions of learning and school boards and turned our public education resources into mystery system indoctrination camps. Unless you can afford to home school or send your kids to a private school these pagans will have your kids from the ages of 5 to 18 years old.

This is the age when children are the most impressionable, when they will establish a code of conduct and beliefs that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. And while you are hard at work to provide for your family these liberal snakes will be brainwashing your kids with liberalism and trying to turn them away from God.

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Proverbs 1:7


Ancient societies were very superstitious. People understood little about the world around them. Natural events like earthquakes, floods, and volcanic eruptions were beyond explanation. So the priesthood invented the practice of divination to provide people with answers.

Divination was the ritual of "reading" the entrails of a sacrificed animal, typically a pig. Priests claimed they could foretell the future, answer any question, or discern the will of the pagan gods by looking at pig guts. Sounds silly but because of their superstitious nature people accepted this practice.

The image of the face of the demon Huwama or Humbaba formed from the pattern of animal entrails as used in divination. Baked clay model is inscribed on the reverse with "If the entrails look like the face of Humawa."

Soon nothing was done in the ancient world without first taking it to the priests to put before the gods. Kings would not even go to war or give battle without first asking the priests to seek the favor of the gods. In this way the priests became the interpreter and the voice of the gods.

Bronze and clay models of a liver divided into areas for divination. These were used to teach student priests how to read omens from the real liver of a sacrifice. Each section of the bronze liver is engraved with the name of a pagan deity.

Pagan priests and their divination became the satanic anti-type for God's prophets and prophecy. Priests served false gods therefore their divination had no creditability. However, the prophets of old spoke on behalf of God. All prophecy inspired by God is certain to is fulfilled at its appointed time.


The Chaldean priests were very skilled magicians. Magic in ancient times was a combination of illusion, misdirection, slight-of-hand and entertainment. When everything else failed a little smoke and mirrors was enough to impress the masses.

Magic was a major element of temple ceremonies. Priestly tricks made stone idols appear to talk. Of course it was the priest projecting their voice from behind a wall. And the priesthood made it appear that the idols consume food offerings. But from the book of Daniel we learn that priests and their families accomplished this trick by sneaking into the temples at night and consuming the food themselves.

Pagan temples were a maze of these secret passageways and tunnels. This allowed priests to move throughout the temples without notice. During rituals they would disappear in a puff of smoke by dropping through a trap door. After moving quickly through secret passages and stairways they would reappear somewhere else. To a crowd typically high on dope or intoxicated by wine this must have seemed like quite a feat of magic.

I find it interesting that the Egyptian magicians were able to imitate the first few plagues brought by Moses. But their magic tricks could not keep up with the power of God.


The priesthood established the first observatories. And over time they gained extensive knowledge and understanding of the movements of the heavenly bodies. This allowed them to predict the arrival of comets, the timing of an eclipse, and the alignment of planets. And this must have made a big impression upon uneducated superstitious minds.

God created the lights in the firmament of the heaven to serve as a sign. This is a great mystery. The twelve constellations actually reveal God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. In ancient times people only needed to look up into the night sky to see the prophecy and promise of His coming to save the world.

But pagan astronomers created astrology as a way to subvert God's message in the stars. Today people by the millions read their daily horoscope yet they are completely ignorant as to the true message of Christ in the stars.

"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years" Genesis 1:14

Holidays and Festivals

The priesthood invented holidays and festivals for important events such as planting and harvesting crops. This served a two-fold purpose. First it got everyone together, unknowing or knowingly, to participate in the Mysteries. Secondly, the commemoration of feast days was a way to preserve the mysteries over time.

The Olympics are a good example of a pagan festival that has been resurrected in modern times. Few people understand that the passing of the Olympic Torch from one runner to another is actually an ancient pagan ceremony that symbolizes the passing of the Luciferian Doctrine from one generation to another. The Olympic Flame is first lit by a High Priestess in Greece before being transferred to unsuspecting participants to relay to the site of the games.

In fact the High Priestess, currently Thaleia Prokopiou, officially titled the "Witch of Hera," and her entourage of 20 some odd other "witches" send the Olympic Torch on its way with dancing and prayers to both Apollo and Zeus. Yet it is against the Olympic Committee code of conduct for anyone associated with the Olympics to publicly mention the words "Jesus Christ." And you probably thought the Olympics were nothing more than some harmless fun and games for the world's premier athletes!

The Confessional

The Confessional was instituted in the mystery system as another means of getting power over the masses. We are to confess our sins to each other and to God. But the priesthood twisted this into a one-sided affair. Priests do not confess to the laity. A priest is looking for information to hold over your head. That is why confession to a priest was a prerequisite for one to be admitted into the Mystery. The confessional became a great cause of fear for many people.

Mystery Initiation

Initiation into a mystery system was a well-choreographed process. Care and precautions were taken by the priest to properly prepare the initiate for hearing and accepting the mystery.

1. The process of initiation started with a confession to a priest.

2. Next there might be some study and memorization of vows and proceedings.

3. On the day of initiation candidates were led into special areas of the temple prepared specifically for the initiation rite. Temple facades were intended to stimulate curiosity and inspiration. The inside walls were decorated with symbols and pictures depicting mystery mythology to stimulate the eyes. Incense was burned to stimulate the nose. And some believe the air was full of "mind expanding substances" intended to loosen inhibitions.

4. Initiates were then stripped of all "profane" clothing. This is simply another control tactic, which by the way is still in use in Mormon temples today.

5. There is some sort of ceremonial washing and anointing of the initiates. A priest would typically anoint the initiate's private parts. This is about power. The fact that anyone would allow a complete stranger to do such a thing, and in full view of friends and family, shows how the System reprograms initiates to accept the unacceptable.

6. The initiate gets a new name to be known only within the ritual chamber. This practice is very common today within a wide variety of cults, clubs and associations.

7. The initiate is given special, magical garments, underwear, or aprons. This will later be tied to some profane creation story or Mystery mythology.

8. Special handshakes and secret words are used to identify levels of initiation. Masons and Mormons still use these relics of the Babylonian Mystery initiation ritual in their ceremonies.

9. The initiate must then partake of a mysterious beverage from a golden cup or skull. These drinks were comprised of wine, honey, water, flour, and other ingredients of an intoxicating nature. This was a symbolic action representing a literal partaking of the "cup of iniquity," the initiation into the Luciferian Doctrine.

10. The initiate was then given admittance to a sacred place representing the dwelling place of the gods.

11. The climax of the initiation ritual was the all import voice of the oracle. An "oracle" was a priestess, priest, shrine, pool of water, idol, or basically anything through whom a deity was believed to speak. Usually a mysterious sounding voice was projected from behind a curtain. At that point in the process the initiates were not in their normal state of mind and it was easy for the priest to work their deception.

Petitioners seeking advice from "Cumaean Sibyl" (the Oracle at Cumae, the oldest Greek colony in mainland Italy) would be ushered along the gallery of alternating light and dark to the vestibule outside the Oracle's inner room. The disturbing sight of a dim priestly figure intermittently vanishing as he approaches would have been very unsettling. But this was all part of the show.

The powerful and privileged were usually given their own personal message delivered by the oracle. Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar were both declared gods at their initiation into the Egyptian Mystery. "You can be a god or goddess" is still the big hook used to get many people into cults.

The average initiate would now be eligible to receive a few cult secrets at this time. This might include the keys to understand certain cult symbols or doctrine. The method of revealing secrets to initiates varied. An oracle might be used. Or cult elders or priest might pass on the information.

But the preferred method of imparting "enlightenment" was to have initiates participate in pagan rituals. Each ritual had a hidden message or secret and was associated with a particular pagan deity. The priesthood carefully orchestrated the religious ceremonies which included human sacrifice (typically burning their own children or enemies captured in battle), cannibalism, and every form of immorality imaginable. Priests evolved fables and strange doctrines to justify these unspeakable acts of abomination.

Participation was considered an act of worship from which the worshiper received enlightenment. Enlightenment according to the Secret Doctrine is the path to godhood. And of course the false doctrine of Lucifer as man's god and savior is part of that satanic enlightenment.

The system to bring people enlightenment can be boiled down to something like this: get loaded, free your inhibitions, find yourself through experimentation, taste the forbidden fruit, and you will reach a higher level of consciousness. Sound familiar?

Satan does not care if initiates buy into the Secret Doctrine. Participation is all that is needed. And it doesn't matter if people do it knowingly or unknowingly. The Devil revels in the fact that people are disobeying God and profaning their bodies, the Temple of God.

12. Every initiate was sworn to silence though blood oaths and the penalty of death. Under no circumstances were initiates allowed to reveal the secrets of the cult. Sounds silly but how many organization do you know that continue this practice today? They are too numerous to count.

And don't forget there was added incentive for initiates to keep silent. There was the confession, peer pressure, perhaps the threat of being divorced, losing your kids, being disowned by friends, or the loss of needed business contacts and support.

For some this may be hard to believe. But it is a historical fact that in ancient times people worshiped or honored their pagan deities by participating in secret and public ceremonial rites typically involving human sacrifice and drunken orgies. Those who refused to participate in these rituals would have stood out from the norm.

But the big prized waved in front of all initiates was the potential for godhood. And initiates were told they would become little gods and goddesses through temple works and rituals. It was believed that acquiring the secret esoteric cult knowledge after each ritual elevated an initiate to the level of a god or goddess.

What am I talking about here? Temples were set up all over Babylon. And every temple honored and housed a different god. They had their own independent High Priestess or High Priest, and clergy. Each temple set up their own oracle, initiation rituals, and created their own Mystery.

Those initiates that progressed high enough in the religion were eventually given the Luciferian Doctrine and told that Lucifer was the hidden god they were worshiping. This might be conveyed as some profane creation fable portraying Lucifer as a powerful god, the founder of the priesthood, and a good helper of mankind.


In the second part of this study we examined the "MYSTERY" attached to "BABYLON THE GREAT" and learned why God identified this city with the distinctive title of "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."

Babylon was a great city. But Babylon is also the city where the abominations of the antediluvian world first reappeared after the Great Flood.

Babylon is where mankind rebelled against God and built the Tower of Babel. It was from Babylon that God divided mankind by tongues and spread them across the continents. And Babylon is where wicked Queen Semiramis turned the hearts of men and women away from God.

It became the custom for Babylonians to play the harlot in perverted worship rituals. They sold their bodies to strangers in pagan temples for a piece of silver. Babylonians committed spiritual adultery by worshiping idols made from "stones and trees."

Babylonians did not fear God. Every sin known to man was practiced in the pagan temples that occupied the high places in the city.

Following Nimrod's death his wife Queen Semiramis got pregnant out of wedlock. She found a way out of this precarious predicament by claiming her illegitimate child Tammuz was actually her dead husband Nimrod reborn.

In this outrageous public relations ploy Semiramis the harlot managed to transform herself from a situation of shame into an object of worship. Semiramis sold herself as a goddess, the "Queen of Heaven," because she was now believed to be the mother of the deity Tammuz and the wife of the deity Nimrod reborn as her child. Semiramis, Nimrod and Tammuz formed a false trinity and the primary objects of worship in the new pagan religion known as the Babylonian Mystery.

To this apostasy Semiramis added another mystery, the Luciferian Doctrine or Secret Doctrine. This painted everything righteous and good as evil and everything evil as good. The original sin was denied. Adam, Eve, and the Serpent were turned into objects of worship.

Lucifer was hailed as the hidden liberator and savior of mankind from Gods oppression and restrictions on human behavior. Lucifer was worshiped for opening up Eve's eyes to experimentation, which pagans say does not lead to death, but is pleasing to the senses and makes you equal with god.

Eve was worshiped as the mother of the gods because she physically gave birth to mankind. She was honored for her experimentation as illustrated by eating the forbidden fruit.

Adam was worshiped as the husband and son god. Husband god because he fathered mankind. Son or Sun god because the mystery says he was reborn after death as a god.

These blasphemous doctrines became the foundation for all the world's idolatry. Virtually every pagan myth, legend, false religion, cult, and pagan ritual can trace its roots back to Babylon. That is why God calls Babylon "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."

Behind all this you will find the hand of Satan. He is the true architecture of mankind's fall. Satan created mystery religions as a diversion to keep mankind from the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

In Part Three of this study, "Seven Mountains," we will examine the seven kings and kingdoms upon which the Mother of Harlots sits and reveal the identity of the last days Mystery Babylon.

Fortunately for us scripture sheds light into this mystery. God made sure an angel told Apostle John in no uncertain terms how to interpret this revelation. The angel said, "I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns." That means this mystery is not up for subjective criticism, speculation or private interpretation.

"And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."

The identity of the city that ruled over the kings of the earth in John's day is obvious and certain. There is only one city known since early antiquity as "the city on seven hills." In Part Three of this study we will also show how this city continues to reign over the kings of the earth in these last days.